
Fabien Vivodtzev

I am a research engineer in Scientific Visualization working at CEA since 2003. I graduated with a Ph.D. in computer science from the University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France. Prior to this, I studied computer graphics at the University of California at Davis in 2000 and at the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) with the DEA IVR (Imagerie, Vision et Robotique). I am now in charge of a numerical simulation teams at CEA working on various physics such as aerodynamics, electromagnetism and shock dynamics. My current research interests include scientific visualization, virtual reality and topological data analysis.



Topological Representations for Data Analysis : Use Cases on Instabilities and Turbulences

Fabien Vivodtzev, Florent Nauleau, Alexis Casner, Julien Tierny

Accepted to be presented at SNA + MC 2024, Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo. Paris, France October 20-24, 2024. Proceeding to be published in EPJ Web of Conferences.    

Identifying Locally Turbulent Vortices within Instabilities

Fabien Vivodtzev, Florent Nauleau, Jean Philippe Braeunig, Julien Tierny

Poster accepted to be presented at the 14th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization, LDAV 2024, in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2024, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, October 13-18, 2024    

Visualisation at CEA : HyperTreeGrid and Other Physics

Maxime Stauffert, Fabien Vivodtzev

Accepted to be presented at at a Focus session at the ParaView User Day Europe 2024, ENS Lyon, France, September 26th, 2024    


Topological Data Analysis of 3D Ablative Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Dataset for Automatic Segmentation

Fabien Vivodtzev, Alexis Casner, Laurent Masse, Luke Ceurvorst, Shahab Khan, Vladimir Smalyuk

Poster at The 13th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization, LDAV 2023, in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2023, Melbourne, Australia, 22-27 October 2023.    

On the road to build an open-source VR workflow in a Linux restricted network environment.

Fabien Vivodtzev, Adrien Gomez

Sandia 5th Annual XR Conference, Sandia National Laboratories, August 1-4 2023.    

Analyzing complex features in ensemble data with the Topology ToolKit in ParaView

Julien Tierny, Fabien Vivodtzev, Charles Gueunet

Kitware blog, 2023.    


Topological Analysis of Ensembles of Hydrodynamic Turbulent Flows - An Experimental Study

Florent Nauleau, Fabien Vivodtzev, Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu, Héloïse Beaugendre, Julien Tierny

2022 IEEE 12th Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV) at IEEE VIS 2022, 16-21 October 2022, Oklaoma City, USA, arXiv:2207.14080    

In Situ Segmentation of Turbulent Flow with Topology Data Analysis

Florent Nauleau, Benjamin Fovet, Fabien Vivodtzev

SIGGRAPH '22, ACM SIGGRAPH'2022 Posters, Article No.:61, ISBN:9781450393614, DOI:10.1145/3532719.3543257 , 8-11 August 2022, Vancouver, Canada    

Immersed Boundaries In Hypersonic Flows With Considerations About High-Fidelity And Massive Parallelism

Florent Nauleau, Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu, Héloïse Beaugendre, Fabien Vivodtzev

ECCOMAS Congress 2022, Proceedings of the 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, DOI: 10.23967/eccomas.2022.142, 5-9 June 2022, Oslo, Norway    


Topological Data Analysis for numerical method comparisons of 2D turbulent flows

Florent Nauleau, Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu, Fabien Vivodtzev, Heloise Beaugendre, Julien Tierny

Journée Visu 2021    

A k-exact ENO-like least-square reconstruction for compressible flows applied to sharp immersed boundaries

Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu, Florent Nauleau, Heloise Beaugendre, Fabien Vivodtzev

10th French biennial in Applied Mathematics and Industry, SMAI, June 2021    


Framework for Automatic Meshing Applied to 2D and 3D Electromagnetic Simulations

Fabien Vivodtzev, Thierry Hocquellet, Matthieu Lecouvez

14th WCCM and European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) Congress 2020    


Topological Analysis of High Velocity Turbulent Flow

Th.Bridel-Berthomeu,B.Fovet, J.Tierny, F.Vivodtzev

IEEE LDAV 2019, Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization, Vancouver, Canada    


Topological and Statistical Methods for Complex Data Tackling Large-Scale,High-Dimensional, and Multivariate Data Spaces

Janine Bennett, Fabien Vivodtzev and Valerio Pascucci (Eds)

Springer, 298 p. ISBN 978-3-662-44899-1, Series Mathematics and Visualization 2014

Remote Visualization of Large Scale Fast Dynamic Simulations in a HPC Context

Fabien Vivodtzev and Isabelle Bertron

Proceedings of 2014 IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV 2014) November 2014, Paris, France    

Piecewise polynomial monotonic interpolation of 2D gridded data

Leo Allemand-Giorgis, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann and Fabien Vivodtzev

book chapter : Topological and Statistical Methods for Complex Data, Springer, series Mathematics and Visualization    

Open Source Software to Visualize Complex Data on Remote CEA's Supercomputing Facilities

Fabien Vivodtzev and Thierry Carrard

Proceedings of Workshop on Open Source in Visualization (OSVIS), June 9th 2014, Co-located with EuroVis 2014, Swansea, Wales, UK.    


VisIt: An End-User Tool For Visualizing and Analyzing Very Large Data

Hank Childs, Eric Brugger, Brad Whitlock, Jeremy Meredith, Sean Ahern, Kathleen Bonnell, Mark Miller, Gunther H.Weber, Cyrus Harrison, David Pugmire, Thomas Fogal, Christoph Garth, Allen Sanderson, E.Wes Bethel, Marc Durant, David Camp, Jean M. Favre, Oliver Rubel, Paul Navratil, Matthew Wheeler, Paul Selby and Fabien Vivodtzev

Tutorial at SciDAC 2011, Denvers, Colorado.    

Substructure Topology Preserving Simplication of Tetrahedral Meshes

Fabien Vivodtzev, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann and Hans Hagen

TopoInVis 2009, Book chapter in Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization, Springer, 2011, series Mathematics and Visualization, 978-3-642-15013-5    


Automatic Feature-based Surface Mapping for Brain Cortices

Fabien Vivodtzev, David Wiley, Lars Linsen, James Jones, Nina Amenta, Bernd Hamann, Kenneth I. Joy

Proceedings of Visualization and Data Analysis 2006, SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering



Hierarchical organization and multiresolution visualization of data achieved from simulation codes

Fabien Vivodtzev

Ph.D. thesis from the University of Grenoble - 2005 (in french)    

Topology Preserving Simplification of 2D Non-Manifold Meshes with Embedded Structures

Fabien Vivodtzev, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Paul Le Texier

The Visual Computer Journal, 21(8), pp. 679-688, 2005. Special issue of Pacific Graphics 05, Macao, China, october 12-14, 2005.    


Brain Mapping Using Topology Graphs Obtained by Surface Segmentation

Fabien Vivodtzev, Lars Linsen, Bernd Hamann, Kenneth I. Joy, Bruno A. Olshausen.

Scientific Visualization: the Visual Extraction of Knowledge from Data Bonneau, G.-P., Ertl, T. and Nielson, G.M. (editors), Springer, ISBN 3-540-26066-8, 2005.    


Brain Atlas Mapping

Alfred R. Fuller, Bernd Hamann, Kenneth I. Joy, Edward G. Jones, Lars Linsen, Bruno A. Olshausen, Thomas W. Slankard, Jim Stone, Fabien Vivodtzev, Gunther H. Weber, David F. Wiley, Patrick C. Yau

Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience, 34th annual meeting, San Diego, California    


Hierarchical Isosurface Segmentation Based on Discrete Curvature

Fabien Vivodtzev, Lars Linsen, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Bernd Hamann, Kenneth I. Joy, Bruno A. Olshausen

Proceedings of VisSym'03 - Data Visualization 2003 Bonneau, Hahmann, Hansen (editors) Association for Computing Machinery, New York    

Tetrahedral Mesh Simplification

Fabien Vivodtzev

Master thesis from the University Joseph Fourier    

Projects and Conferences

Organizer of the Journée Visu2022, the annual French Visualisation day from the GDR IG-RV from CNRS with INRIA.

LaBRI, Talence


Member of the GDR IGRV (Informatique Graphique & Réalité Virtuelle) in the GT Visualisation



Pilot of the task 1 of the OCEAN Project - Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine

OCEAN-ALM : Optimisation et Conception pour une mEthodologie AvaNcée pour l’ALM (Additive Layer Manufacturing)


Member of the scientific committee of the consortium MMG Platform on remeshing tools

Administred by Inria


Member of the industrial committee for Eurographics 2014



Organizer of the international Workshop On the Analysis of Large-Scale, High-Dimensional and Multivariate Data Using Topology and Statistics

Le Barp, France

Juin 2013

Member of the program committee for Visu2012

Télécom Paris


Member of the organization committee of the summer school CEA/EDF/INRIA

Building the next generation of visualization software

CEA/Cadarache, juin 2011

Member of the organization committee of the French visualization day Visu2011


CEA (TGCC), Bruyères le Chatel, 2011


Visualisation scientifique et analyse topologique de données

Master program tutorial classes at ENSEIRB-Matmeca in computer sciences option CISD (Calcul Intensif et Sciences des Données) using Python, Paraview and TTK in collaboration with Julien Tierny.

Bordeaux INP, 2022

Scientific Visualization and in-situ approaches.

Master program tutorial classes at ENSEIRB-Matmeca in computer sciences option CISD (Calcul Intensif et Sciences des Données)

Bordeaux INP, 2021

Scientific Visualization and in-situ approaches.

Master program tutorial classes at ENSEIRB-Matmeca in computer sciences option CISD (Calcul Intensif et Sciences des Données)

Bordeaux INP, 2020

Explore your data and tell meaningful scientific stories

Classes in the ISCD (Institut des Sciences, du Calcul et des Données) Summer school on computer graphics and scientific visualization from Sorbonne Université organized by Pascal Frey

Roscoff, 2019

Scientific Visualization and in-situ approaches

Master program tutorial classes at ENSEIRB-Matmeca in computer sciences option CISD (Calcul Intensif et Sciences des Données)

Bordeaux INP, 2019

Scientific visualization and data sciences

Classes in the ISCD (Institut des Sciences, du Calcul et des Données) Summer school on computer graphics and scientific visualization from Sorbonne Université organized by Pascal Frey

Roscoff, 2016

Management and delivery of services in computer science

Master program tutorial classes from the Master Sciences and Technologies in computer sciences from Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA)

Pau, 2013

Making the link between computer graphics and scientific visualization

Master program tutorial classes from the Master Sciences and Technologies in computer sciences from Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA)

Pau, 2010
